Wednesday 2 February 2011

Sycamore island

Inside the front door, a huge sycamore leaf has come to rest: pale-brown and brittle in my hands like an intricate cut-out from an aged parchment map.

(I wonder if I should ban metaphors and similes here, like in strict-form haiku?)


Anonymous said...

Oh no, don't ban them. It's part of the beauty of language and imagination. Sometimes you may choose to use them and other times not.

Dorothee said...

love this blog concept + layout. it's like a breathing space.

Vivien said...

Lovely image - similes and metaphors are very "speaking".

Beth said...

Nah. Don't ban anything, just let it be it's tiny little self, your lovely new spot on the trail!

Dave said...

Agree with the others. I don't go out of my way to look for similes and metaphors at the Morning Porch, but when when does offer itslef, I've found (based on number of retweets) those tend to be the most popular with readers -- perhaps becasue I don't do it everyday.

CatherinE said...

experiment ... see how you feel about them, whether they come naturally or seem forced, how satisfying you find the pieces that use them. You could have broken this one into two, the leaf and the map ... the simile leading to another image along the trail.

I like your site!